Levels of Access Control through Keycloak Part 3a: Integration with Kubernetes
This is an extension of part 3 of a 4-part series on Keycloak. For part 1, click here, for part 2, click here, and for part 3 click here.
There is a bunch of open-source software that provides out of the box integration with OpenID Connect providers such as Keycloak. Additionally, some of them provide the ability to bring in groups/roles from the tokens which are then used for limiting access of users. One such widely used tool is Kubernetes. This guide details the integration of Kubernetes with Keycloak for authentication and access control. We can utilize Kubernetes support for OpenID Connect Tokens with oidc-groups-prefix
to integrate with Keycloak.
Keycloak Configuration
At the end of Keycloak, we need to create a new client for Kubernetes. To do so, log-in to the Keycloak Administration Console, click on Clients
in the navigation, and click on Create
Let’s name our client apiserver after the name of the actual service that handles all the authentication. This client needs to be confidential with only Standard Flow
enabled. For Valid Redirect URLs
, use http://localhost:8000*
and http://localhost:18000*
Click on Save
to create this new client. Once the client is saved, click on Credentials
, copy the value of Secret
and save it somewhere. We're going to use it later on.
Click on Mappers
and then Create
to initiate the view for a new mapper definition.
For the new mapper, the Mapper Type
needs to be User Client Role
. Once you select this type, the view changes. The Client ID
should be apiserver
i.e. the name of the client we created. Since it's multivalued, we need to set Multivalued
to ON
. The Token Claim Name
is the name of the property in the token payload against which the roles are added. I've set it to client_roles
. Kubenetes utilizes ID Tokens so we need to add these claims to the ID Token by setting Add to ID Token
to ON
Click on Save
. Note that due to a bug in Keycloak, I haven't configured the Claim JSON Type
. If I set it to something, the roles don't appear in the token.
Now navigate back to the configuration view for apiserver
client and click on Roles
. In here we can define the roles that are specific to this client. Click on Add Role
to create a new role. Let's name our new role cluster-admin
akin to the cluster-admin
defined in Kubernetes. We'd also be mapping it to the same role.
Let’s also assign it to our admin
user that we created in one of the previous guides. To do so, click on Users
in the navigation, search for the admin
user, click on its ID
to open its configuration view. Now Click on Role Mappings
. In the Client Roles
list box, select apiserver
. In the Available Roles
list that appears after selecting apiserver
, click on cluster-admin
role that we just created and then assign it to admin
user by clicking on Add selected
Creation of ClusterRoleBinding
Inside Kubernetes, you need to create a ClusterRoleBinding
object as follows:
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: oidc-cluster-admin
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: Group
name: oidc:cluster-admin
Here, we’re using the cluster-admin
role coming from Keycloak inside the token as a Kubernetes Group
and we're assigning it the cluster-admin
If you have kubectl installed, you can save this to a file called oidc-cluster-admin.yaml
and do:
kubectl apply -f oidc-cluster-admin.yaml
Apiserver Configuration
Kubernetes is not a single service or an app. It’s a bunch of services that are run together. These services communicate with each other to achieve the features of Kubernetes. Normally, these services are classified as part of either the control plane of Kubernetes or worker nodes, where the worker nodes host the actual workloads while the control plane manages these worker nodes. One such service that is part of the control plane is kube-apiserver
. Whenever a user tries to interact with a Kubernetes, they do so by communicating with kube-apiserver
over a REST API. So naturally, this is the component that handles authentication and access control. To allow this integration, we'd need to do some configuration changes to this component.
For this, we need to locate the kube-apiserver
process which is usually run inside a container and figure out how it's being run. Usually, kube-apiserver
container is deployed as a static pod or a systemd service. For example, kubespray usually deploys it as a static pod by creating a manifest in /etc/kubernetes/manifests
by the name of kube-apiserver.yaml
These configuration changes are done to the command-line parameters of the kube-apiserver
executable. Specifically, we need to add/update the following parameters:
: Set it toapiserver
: Set it toclient_roles
or whatever value you set against theToken Claim Name
when you configured the mapper--oidc-issuer-url
: This can be figured out from the token payload. It's the value of theiss
claim. For our locally running Keycloak, this should behttp://localhost:8080/auth/realms/system
: The claim against which the username of the logged-in user is given. In one of the previous guides, we figured out that it's given againstpreferred_username
: Optional, but good practice so that the usernames that come from Keycloak do not conflate with the existing users. Set it tooidc:
: Again, optional, but good practice for the same reasons. Set it tooidc:
Once these parameters are configured, restart the kube-apiserver
NOTE: There’s a slight gotcha here. Your locally running Keycloak won’t be accessible to the components of a Kubernetes cluster running somewhere else if you specify the value of --oidc-issuer-url
to something containing localhost
. You have to provide a URL with the IP address of your machine instead of localhost
Kubectl configuration
is the CLI tool to administer a Kubernetes cluster. You need to have kubectl installed for this. Inherently, it does not support OpenID Connect Token Authentication, but there's a plugin called kubelogin that we can use to add its support so go ahead and install this plugin too.
Once the plugin is installed do the following steps:
- Configure new credentials through kubectl using kubelogin plugin:
kubectl config set-credentials oidc --exec-api-version=client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1 \
--exec-command=kubectl \
--exec-arg=oidc-login \
--exec-arg=get-token \
--exec-arg=--oidc-issuer-url=<PUT ISSUER URL HERE> \
--exec-arg=--oidc-client-id=apiserver \
--exec-arg=--oidc-client-secret=<PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE>
The value of --oidc-issuer-url
need to be the value against the iss
claim in the token but with the IP address of your machine as specified before, while the value of --oidc-client-secret
needs to be the Secret
we saved before when we were creating the client in Keycloak.
- Create a new cluster through the following command:
kubectl config set-cluster my-kubernetes --server https://<PUT KUBERNETES CLUSTER HOSTNAME OR IP HERE>:6443 --certificate-authority=/path/to/ca.crt/file
The value of --server
needs to be a hostname or IP address on which kube-apiserver
is bound and listening for requests. Usually, it's the IP address of one of the nodes in the control plane. The value of --certificate-authority
is the path to the CA certificate that this Kubernetes cluster is using to secure its communication. if you don't have this certificate, you can specify --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
instead of a --certificate-authority
parameter but that's not recommended since it exposes your communication to interception.
- Create a new context through the following command:
kubectl config set-context my-cluster-context --cluster=my-kubernetes --user=oidc
- Set it to the current context:
kubectl config use-context my-cluster-context
And that’s it. Our configuration changes are done.
Run any kubectl
kubectl cluster-info
This is going to open a login page on Keycloak. Use the admin
credentials to log-in. Previously, we assigned this user the cluster-admin
client role which we then mapped to cluster-admin
through a ClusterRoleBinding
so admin
should have full access to the cluster.